Computer maintenance
As with most things, maintenance will enhance the life of your computer, whether it is a desktop computer, laptop, notebook or netbook.
Maintenance can also highlight parts of your computer which may need repair, upgrading or replacement either immediately or in time.
Is your laptop running hot? Maintenance can help.

If your computer gets too hot, the whole computer could suffer a serious failure.
An overheated laptop can have particularly serious implications. Overheated laptops have caused house fires and burns to users (See this skeptics forum for more information).
There are many parts to your computer, and all these parts need to be able to work efficiently.
Fans need to be clear of dust and debris. Some of the fans inside your computer draw air in from around you to keep things cool. Because of this, the inside of your computer can get very dusty over time.
When I maintain your computer, I will check the inside of your computer and make sure the parts are running as they should be.
Contact me and I will take care of your needs.
Is your computer running slow? Again, maintenance can help.
As more programs are installed in your computer and others are removed, sometimes, there can be “junk” files left behind. Good maintenance can deal with this and it can keep your computer running as it did when new.
Contact me and I will take care of your needs.
What about repairs and upgrades?
Either now or at a later date, some parts may need to be replaced. I will let you know if this is the case. This will help to keep your computer up and running.
The charge for the maintenance service does not include repairs and upgrades. I charge for these separately.
I can repair or upgrade your computer whether it is a desktop computer, laptop, notebook or netbook. Please see my computer repairs page